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The Mentalist

The Mentalist

Show Starts:9/8/2023

Jon Stetson, The Mentalist, will return to the Thomaston Opera House on Friday, September 8th at 8 p.m. for a lively performance of the intuitive experience. Proceeds to benefit the Plymouth and Thomaston Parks & Recreation programs & scholarships. 

About Jon: He began the study of the mystic arts at a very early age and has been blessed to received formal training from some very gifted and proficient mystics, intuitives, shamans, and healers. Jon's charismatic and lively demonstrations provide his audience and individual clients with a rare opportunity to experience the fascinating phenomenon of an intuitive experience, which he delivers with his distinctive style of humor, intensity, and compassion. This had made Jon a much sought after Speaker, Entertainer and guide.

Jon was the inspiration for the hit CBS Television series ‘The Mentalist’

Over the past 25 Years President Bush, President Carter, The King of Sweden, The Royal Family of Monaco, Fortune 1000 organizations, associations and celebrity audiences have experienced Jon Stetson worldwide - plus Television appearances on CBS, NBC, PBS and the A&E Network.

Being one of the most respected Intuitives on the world stage, Jon takes his work seriously and treats his audience with the utmost integrity and respect.

Admission $25

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